Ultimate Secrets for Thrifting in 2023

Hello Friends!

Here are all of my tips and tricks to ensure you find everything you desire when going to thrift stores!

It’s a tricky (no pun intended lol) thing when you go into any thrift store and want just about everything, I am guilty of this. Buying things you know you don’t need but that little voice in the back of your head is saying “eh we can make it work” when in reality it won’t actually work.

Yeah, that’s where I come in. I want to show you guys all my tips to make sure you get the exact things you need/want for your wardrobe as well as home decor.

This post is made for the sole purpose to save you time and money. All the while getting a clear perspective on what you exactly need and executing it!

Why Choose Second-hand Shopping Vs. Retail?

Economically speaking you are saving that small part of the world before it goes to waste. It’s not only extremely cost effective but it has it’s plus when it comes to eco-friendly shopping.

Having giving second-hand shopping an attempt can truly change your outlook on your closet shopping, home decor purchases, outdoor activities, ect.

You’re not only able to be eco-friendly and shop affordably but you’re too able to find the most unique products and itms.

It opens doors for creativity and expression like you wouldn’t imagine.

Here are 4 Tips to Ensure you Succeed When Thrifting:

1.) Make a pinterest board

I live by this tip every time I am planning a day to go thrifting. Making a Pinterest Board regarding the style, the aesthetic and the pieces you want can really make a difference. You won’t be coming home with something that doesn’t match your persona, rather you’ll be coming home with items that truly represent you!

Make a pinterest board to allow your inspiration to flow.

For example, when it’s Fall I always plan out what I want my wardrobe to look like within the broad variety of inspiration Pinterest has to offers. Having this board you have a clear representation of what you’re looking for exactly.

Keep in mind not everything will be on point to your photo inspiration but you get the gist of what you want!

But, all in all making these boards allows you to have a nice, organized, depiction of what you’re looking for when going to these second-hand stores.

Keep In Mind: It won’t be the first trip you make to find everything you have on your boards, it takes time in finding your exact needs. Having it all organized for future trips will help you a ton when going on these explorations!

Don’t forget to follow Lunacy Crafts on Pinterest!

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2.) Identify your personal style

When it comes down to it, I personally didn’t know what my exact style/aesthetic was. That put me in a mix between a lot of different pieces that I had a hard time trying to fit into my exact style. That’s where this tip comes in handy.

Identify your personal style, brainstorm how you want to identify and express yourself

Identifying your style is most important when going to second-hand stores. Having the perception of what you want to be wearing, decorating or representing can make your shopping easier.

Although, having pinpointed your style doesn’t come easy to some. I know I fluctuated between a ton of styles before I found my exact one. That’s where you ask yourself, “What am I really Into?”, “What do I believe expresses me the most?” having answered these questions can have you one step closer to finding it!

There are so many different styles including, fairy core, goth, Y2K, streetwear, boho, etc. etc. Doing research on these styles can allow you to spot what truly conveys YOU!

Also, looking at your closet and seeing the clothing pieces that make you happy, confident and inspired is exactly where you should be leaning towards when shopping.

We can even relate to Tip #1 and create a fashion mood board of the aesthetic you find that makes you most poised in what you’re wearing. I do this when I need to pinpoint what I want to express when it comes to my clothing.

Again, asking myself constantly, What statement best describes me?” and How can I express myself the best? There’s many things you can do to decide where you belong in any style aspect.

Your world doesn’t revolve around fashion but I find it important that every individual deserves to demonstrate and express themselves through their clothing.

TIP: Coming home with statement pieces is nice and all, til all you have in your closet is that. Bend around and take that time because once you do you’ll find the best things to fit you!

3.)make a list of the things you need

Taking a look into your closet or dresser and identifying what clothing you need more of is something you need to be paying attention to. Making an easy note on the things you need rather than the things you want can make a huge difference.

Make a list of the things you need like a nice warm jacket for your upcoming trip, decanters for your bar cart, cute pair of high heels, summer dresses, work slacks.

For a long time when I would be taking my trips to second-hand stores I would find myself barely purchasing any shirts! It came to a point where I had an excessive amount of pants that weren’t even appropriate for the weather or even pants I needed.

With that, you should always have a game plan and a mental note of the clothing you actually need when shopping.

I tend to always take a look -now- into my closet at what shoes I should be looking for, jackets, blouses, etc. Having this clear in the back of your mind will subconsciously have you picking up the right things!

Make it a mission to get the things you actually need.

This can even tie into more color schemes you need, think about it.. Do you have a ton of black clothing? Too many patterns in your wardrobe? Do you need more basics?

That is absolutely another note you should make when considering what your needs are, in a fashion sense!

4.) Research what others find useful

The main thing i’ll say is research, research, research! Having taken your time to find the home decor and tools you know you’ll use is key when going to these thrift stores. Although, something looks super rad it most of the time won’t be used it’ll just be another item that’s taking up space.

Research what others find useful, including, things you need for a desk, how to organize your hobbies, what to look for in cookbooks or best tools in the kitchen.

Again, take time to research what others use and have that they use day in and day out. Making a list of those researched items can ensure that you, again, have a clear representation of what you want your home to look like.

It’s all about saving your time, money and space when it comes down to home decor and tools!

I had a hard time trying to find useful decor that I can use for my desk. Me having done the research on Pinterest as well as making a mood board for it (tying in all the tips as you can see) I was able to execute nice looking, cheap and aesthetically pleasing decor.

I was only able to make this happen by determining what others use to store toiletries, keys, jewelry, etc. I made it a point that I wanted to spruce up my desk with cute decor that I WILL use.

Final note:

Using Pinterest to indulge and give you inspiration is a number one thing, having boards, pins and research can grant you the accomplishment of a flawless home and wardrobe.

Taking the time accordingly to ensure you get all the right things for YOU is key. Remember we’re all here to save your money and your time.

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